
Our Golden Guarantee
We are proud to put our Grains of Montana logo on each and every loaf of bread we bake. We’re so sure that our customers will love our bread that if they’re not completely satisfied, we’ll buy it back. That’s our guarantee—and it’s just one more thing that sets us apart.

Grains of Montana strives to produce the freshest quality product and service in our commercial bakery and local restaurant. Our recipe for quality is actually simple. We only use the best quality ingredients available. We know that it begins with our highly nutritional spring wheat from our family farm.

Commercial bakeries buy wheat and flour from large corporate grain companies that use mix a variety of types and grades of wheat—both good and bad—to make it as cheap as possible. But at Grains of Montana, we grow all of our own hard red spring wheat and have it specially milled just for us. That means that we are able to consistently produce high-quality flour with high nutrition, moisture content and elasticity that’s ideal for bread baking and delicious pastries.

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